Social events > Local events

If you have the opportunity, we invite you to spend an extra day in Arras, to appreciate the quality of local life and the human warmth that reigns there. Within the city, this day will be enhanced by several remarkable events.


The Saturday morning market, on the "Place des Héros", at the foot of the Belfry




An (individual) visit to the "Boves" and the Belfry, and/or Wellington Quarry 




The Wellington Quarry is a place of remembrance of the First World War located in Arras, a ten-minute walk from the station. This network of underground galleries played a major role in the capture of the German lines and allowed many Allied soldiers to be spared their lives by passing them underground. It is part of the 19 kilometers that make up the underground quarries of Arras.

On April 9, 1917, at 5:30 a.m., after a huge explosion, 24,000 men emerged from underground and surprised the first German lines. At the same time, the Canadians launched an assault on Vimy Ridge.


A visit to Cité Nature, the local science museum for children,

and which hosts the “On the Moon Again @ Arras” event on Saturday July 15, and its thousand visitors until midnight

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