Travel and venue > AccomodationList of hotels, as recommended by Florent
At a walking distance of approximately 10-15 minutes from the Jacques Sys amphitheater: (starting with the most expensive/comfortable):
At a driving distance of approximately 10 minutes from the Jacques Sys amphitheater:
Do not hesitate to contact Florent if you need carpooling to the University of Artois. Buses also take you to the city center and the university campus (check carefully beforehand). On the outskirts, simple and less expensive hotels, recently built, are also available to KePASSA 2024 participants:
Arras being also a stopover town towards Santiago de Compostela, and the Via Francigena, many guest rooms are also available in the Town Center, at very affordable rates, particularly for students. Do not hesitate to request additional information from Florent, and to leave him an opinion on the accommodation booked.
The Arras Pays d'Artois website lists all the accommodation available. Be careful, some are quite far from the university campus.
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