Registration and call of abstracts > Submitting a paperPaper submission:
Submissions must be written in English, formatted according to the 6th KePASSA LaTeX style file available herafter. The final submission should consist of a single PDF file, without page numbers.
Page limits: A 2-page abstract including references.
Submission: Go to MySpace >> My Submission, and follow the process to upload your PDF. Please announce the intention to participate, by proposing a communication, with at least the name of the presenting author, title and affiliation no later than May 6, 2024. Abstract submission is independent from the registration payment. Once accepted, minor changes can be made. The final version of the extended abstract is expected no later than May 28, 2024.
A referable book of extended abstracts (with ISBN) will be published. The organizing committee is also considering the option of editing a Special Issue of a peer-reviewed journal, devoted to Key Topics in Orbit Propagation Applied to Space Situational Awareness. The Special Issue would be open to publish the research presented on the workshop. The submission process and corresponding deadlines would be afterwards determined, once the option is discussed during the workshop.
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